Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fashion for the Curvaceous

Who says fashion is only for skinny women? If you are 'hiding' behind your clothes you need to stop and wear clothes that look nice on you NOW- because the present is all you have. There is no excuse- it is easy for everyone to find clothes that look nice for their body. There are many women who are plus-sized and gorgeous- such as Crystal Renn (pictured above), Jordin Sparks, America Ferrara, Mia Tyler, and Kate Dillon. For every person who only finds smaller women attractive, there is someone who finds bigger women attractive, so show off your curves! A way to get started is by looking at a British-based company called Evans that has some really fashionable clothes for sizes 14-32 (I think in US sizes it's 12-30 but I'm not sure). Here are some outfits I picked out from their website:

Outfit #1

35 pounds

60 pounds

10 pounds

10 pounds

Outfit #2
8 pounds

15 pounds

28 pounds

18 pounds

35 pounds

Outfit #3
18 pounds

20 pounds

10 pounds

22 pounds

Outfit #4
45 pounds

20 pounds

12 pounds

30 pounds

4 pounds

35 pounds


  1. Crystal Renn is beautiful! But I don't understand why plus sized stores sell shoes/accessories when you can buy them anywhere regardless of your body shape...

    PS -Thank you so much for the comment on my blog! I feel very flattered that you would compare me to Winona!

  2. I appreciate fashion coverage on any non-skinny women, but sometimes I feel like plus-size gets a lot more coverage than regular size. It really oversimplifies the world, creating a huge dichotomy between super-skinny and plus-size and forgetting all the shades of grey lost in between.

  3. I love your blog because you are so real. You tell your opinion without caring what other people think!

  4. To Isabel...
    They probably sell accessories just to make more money I'm guessing. Fashionable plus-sized lines are hard to come by though so I think people should support the ones that don't sell burlap sacks as clothing to people.

    You do look like her!!

  5. To Amelia...

    I think people tend to focus more on extremes so that's probably why people talk about super skinny and plus-sized women most of the time. However, to plus-sized women 'normal' sized girls are skinny!! I'm a size 10\12 and people who are a size 6 are super skinny to me so it's all relative I think. I'm for people trying to live as healthily as they can and whatever size they are then that's the size they were meant to be...I hope everyone gets that mind-set soon :/

  6. To Chester...

    Yes that is one side-affect of being awesome.

    Thanks :)!
