Wednesday, February 11, 2009

10 Honest Truths

I got the idea for this from a really good blog called Coccinelle-you should all check it out.

10 honest truths:
1) My best friend died recently and I still haven’t gotten over it
2) I don’t believe I’ll ever find love because I’m an intelligent woman
3) I like to be by myself a lot which really gets on my friend’s nerves.
4) I’m afraid of being forgotten when I die- I don’t feel like I need to be known by everyone, but I am kind of obsessed with making my mark on the world in my own way.
5) I’m obsessed with the passing of time
6) I believe I’ve lived past lives
7) I hate going to bed at night because that means that another day is gone
8) For years I thought I had seen my own death but now I’m not so sure
9) I want to travel all over Europe and live in a city there for some period of time
10) When I was a kid I was afraid to say what I wanted (whatever that may be) and it took me years to get over that.

Now that you all think I'm crazy, I'm going to tag a few people to do this. They all have really good blogs and you should all go and read.

1) Zebra Stripes and Runaway Kites
2) The Clothes Horse
3) Shelly's Style Shop
4) Michelle Wass Photography (I knew her from school and she takes great photos)
5) Ambiguous Alliterative Abomination
6) What are the inner workings of my mind? (My friend's blog- yay Laura!!)
7) Anyone else who wants to do it!
link back to me bitches :)

I would like to thank everyone who reads my blog and who comments on it. I seriously LOVE when I get comments on posts I've written. It totally makes my day and makes me very happy so keep on commenting!!! Love you guys!!!


  1. I just read your blog….
    Thanks for tagging me. I will do my 10 Honest Truths tomorrow.

    1. I am sorry to hear about your best friend.
    7. Me too
    9. Europe sounds like fun


  2. I just read your blog….
    Thanks for tagging me. I will do my 10 Honest Truths tomorrow.

    1. I am sorry to hear about your best friend.
    7. Me too
    9. Europe sounds like fun


  3. Thanks for the tag! I think you'll find love. I guess it just depends on how you define love and such.
