I know, I know- I haven't been a very good blogger lately. Bad me. I have a reason though! I've been doing lots of research and reading recently. I have been a pescetarian (someone who doesn't eat red meat, pork, or chicken but eats everything else) for about 5 years now mostly because of the health benefits and the fact that I feel happier and I have a lot more energy as an almost-vegetarian. Recently I've been doing some reading about preservatives, additives, and what exactly is in fish and dairy (as well as what diseases they cause) and I've decided to try and go vegan for a while.
Before all of you lose your minds and tell me I'm going to die, know this:
1)I feel even happier now that I've gone vegan
2)vegans live longer than people who eat fish or meat
3)I have more energy
4)I've also lost an inch off my hips and stomach since I started the transition about 2 and a half weeks ago
5)I eat and enjoy more food now than I did when I still ate fish, eggs, and dairy
I think a person's diet is very personal and that they should decide themselves what to put into their bodies- believe me I'm not preaching to you. I'm just saying what it's been like for ME. Some people's constitutions can't take the switch or they don't want to and that's fine! I just wanted to post all this cuz I, er, can.
Here's a typical days menu:
Decaffienated green tea
Pecan-encrusted vegan french toast
(protein, complex carbs, lots of vitamins and antioxidants)
Fattoush (Lebanese Bread Salad...don't let the salad part fool you this is DELICIOUS)
Fresh squeezed orange juice
(Complex carbs, calcium, protein, TONS of vitamins and minerals)
Snacks throughout the day
Vegan chocolate chip cookies (I like these MORE than the original)
Organic potato chips
Matzo bread with hummus
lots more!
(protein, calcium, complex carbs, tons of vitamins and minerals)
Vinadloo (an indian dish with tofu, peas, tomatoes, beans, rice SO GOOD)
Pita Bread to hold said vindaloo
(calcium, tofu, protein, TONS of vitamins and minerals)
As you can see- I am not in a protein or calcium deficiency. If you're interested in learning more about what's in your food (not necessarily about becoming vegan- I understand that's not for everyone) I recommend reading "Real Food, Fake Food" by Geri Harrington. I just finished it and it makes all processed and packaged foods seem revolting to me now. It's really good! If you're interested in eating healthier you should really read "Skinny Bitch" by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. It's HILARIOUS and really informative. They have an entire chapter on pooping I shit you not. And yes, the pun was intended.